Diamond Cut: Good vs. Very Good for Made Diamonds

Diamond Cut: Good vs. Very Good for Made Diamonds

When selecting a lab-made diamond, understanding the quality of its cut is crucial for maximizing the diamond’s brilliance, fire, and overall beauty. While factors like color, clarity, and carat weight are important, the cut is the most significant in determining how a diamond interacts with light. In this article, we will explore the differences between a Good cut and a Very Good cut in lab made diamonds and how each can impact the diamond’s appearance and value.

1. What Does Diamond Cut Mean?

The cut of a diamond refers to how well the stone has been shaped and faceted by a skilled jeweler. It determines how light enters the diamond, reflects off its facets, and exits the stone, creating the sparkle and brilliance diamond cut good vs very good are known for. The cut is evaluated based on three key factors:

  1. Brilliance: The white light reflected from the diamond.
  2. Fire: The dispersion of light into rainbow colors.
  3. Scintillation: The flashes of light or sparkle when the diamond moves.

A well-cut diamond will exhibit maximum brilliance and fire, while a poorly cut diamond may appear dull, even if its other qualities, such as color or clarity, are top-notch.

2. The Diamond Cut Grades

Diamonds are graded for their cut on a scale, usually ranging from Poor to Excellent. Here’s a quick overview of the cut grades:

  1. Excellent: Maximum light performance, reflecting nearly all light.
  2. Very Good: Reflects almost as much light as an Excellent cut but may have slight imperfections.
  3. Good: Reflects a good portion of light, though less than Very Good or Excellent.
  4. Fair: Allows some light to escape, reducing brilliance.
  5. Poor: Much of the light escapes, leading to little brilliance or sparkle.

When comparing Good and Very Good cut grades in lab-grown diamonds, it’s essential to understand how each grade influences the visual performance and value of the stone.

3. Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds

A Good cut diamond still has decent light performance but does not maximize the stone’s potential brilliance. These diamonds are cut with proportions that are slightly less optimal, allowing more light to escape from the sides or bottom rather than reflecting back to the viewer. However, a Good cut still provides a visually pleasing diamond, especially when viewed in normal lighting conditions.

Pros of Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds:

More Affordable: Diamonds with a Good cut are typically less expensive than higher cut grades, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers.

Balance Between Price and Appearance: While they may not offer the brilliance of a higher-grade cut, Good cut diamonds still present a fair balance between cost and beauty.

Cons of Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds:

Less Brilliance: The primary drawback of a Good cut diamond is its reduced sparkle and brilliance. It won’t reflect as much light as a higher-graded cut, which may result in a less dazzling appearance.

Lesser Fire and Scintillation: The dispersion of light and the sparkle from movement will be less intense compared to Very Good or Excellent cut grades.

4. Very Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds

A Very Good cut diamond is a step closer to perfection and represents an excellent balance between brilliance and price. These diamonds are cut with proportions that closely match those of an Excellent cut, allowing for strong light reflection and a high level of brilliance and fire.

Pros of Very Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds:

High Brilliance: A Very Good cut diamond reflects a significant portion of the light that enters it, producing excellent sparkle and brilliance.

Better Light Performance: Compared to a Good cut, a Very Good cut diamond will exhibit more fire and scintillation, giving the stone a more dynamic and lively appearance.

Appears Larger: Due to the higher light return, Very Good cut diamonds can often appear slightly larger than Good cut diamonds of the same carat weight.

Cons of Very Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds:

Higher Cost: The additional craftsmanship and precision involved in achieving a Very Good cut usually come at a higher price point.

Slight Difference From Excellent Cut: While close to an Excellent cut, a Very Good cut may still have subtle imperfections that prevent it from reaching the highest level of light performance.

5. Visual Differences Between Good and Very Good Cuts

The visual differences between a Good and Very Good cut may not be immediately obvious to the untrained eye, especially when viewed in casual lighting conditions. However, in direct light or when magnified, the following distinctions become clearer:

Brilliance: A Very Good cut diamond will exhibit more brilliance and reflect more light than a Good cut, which may appear slightly dimmer or less sparkly in comparison.

Fire: The dispersion of colors in a Very Good cut will be more noticeable and vivid, whereas a Good cut may not display the same level of vibrant rainbow colors.

Scintillation: When moved, a Very Good cut diamond will produce more flashes of light, making it appear more lively and dynamic than a Good cut.

6. Choosing Between Good and Very Good Cut Lab-Made Diamonds

When deciding between a Good and Very Good cut lab-made diamond, consider the following factors:


If you’re working within a budget, a Good cut diamond may provide better value, as it is generally more affordable while still offering a pleasing appearance. However, if your budget allows, a Very Good cut diamond can offer a higher level of brilliance and fire, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a more dazzling stone.

Purpose of the Diamond

For engagement rings or other pieces where the diamond is the central focus, opting for a Very Good cut may be the better choice due to its superior light performance. If the diamond is part of a more subtle setting, such as earrings or bracelets, a Good cut may suffice, especially if you’re balancing other factors like carat weight or color.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, personal preference plays a major role in choosing between a Good and Very Good cut. If you prioritize brilliance and want a diamond that delivers exceptional sparkle, the Very Good cut is the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a balance between quality and cost, a Good cut diamond offers a more economical choice.

7. Conclusion: Good vs. Very Good Cuts in Lab-Made Diamonds

Both Good and Very Good cut lab made diamonds offer unique advantages depending on your preferences and budget. While Very Good cut diamonds deliver superior light performance and brilliance, Good cut diamonds provide a more affordable option without sacrificing too much in terms of beauty. Whether you choose Good or Very Good, both cuts will highlight the brilliance and ethical appeal of lab-grown diamonds, making them a stunning choice for any occasion.